On your screen click left side top corner menu.
1) Go to My Profile.

2) Select Edit Profile.

3) Scroll to the bottom.

4) Select change password.

5) Click on Enter the current password, and enter new password and hit confirm.

6) Then submit.

On your screen click left side top corner menu.
1)Go to My Profile.

2)Select Vehicle Option.

3)On that screen you have the option for Vehicle type.

4)By clicking on Vehicle Type, A Pop will get open where you can change or add the vehicle types only from those are assigned to you by admin.

5)Click on done after you select the vehicle types.

6)Then Save it by clicking on Save.

On your screen click left side top corner menu.
1)Go to My Profile.

2)Select Documents.

3)On that screen you have the driver licence .Click on the image and upload the new one with expire.

Once you upload the document ,it will be verified first by the admin.

Once verified,you are able to come online and accept ther rides.

On your screen click left side top corner menu.
1)Go to My Profile.

2)Select Vehicle Option.

3)On that screen you have the Vehicle Plate Number.
Update the Vehicle plate number and Click on Save.

On your screen click left side top corner menu.
1)Go to My Profile.

2)Select Documents.

3)On that screen you have the driver Vehicle Registration option .Click on the image and upload the new one with expire.

Once you upload the document ,it will be verified first by the admin.

Once verified,you are able to come online and accept ther rides.

On your screen click left side top corner menu.
1)Go to Payment options.
2)You will have three options.From them select Wallet.

3)Now two options will be there i.e Balance and Transfer.

4)Click on Transfer.

5)Now,you will have three tabs,select the last one Transfer to bank.

4)Enter the bank details.

5)Click on Transfer To Bank.It will make a withdrawal history and will be transfered by the admin within few days.

On your screen click left side top corner menu.
1)Go to My Profile.

2)Select Documents.

3)On that screen you have the Driver Licence option .Click on the image and upload the new one with expire.

Once you upload the document ,it will be verified first by the admin.

Once verified,you are able to come online and accept ther rides.

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